Planetary Gemstones
Using gemstones for healing and Astrological purposes has been around for thousands of years in most cultures. Even though “natural things” all have their own energies and powers, precious stones concentrated powers make them very suitable for personal wear usually in the form of jewelry. I also use gemstones in Fengshui Remedies. While all gemstones have a potential healing power, not all gemstones can be used for Astrological purposes. There is a traditionally accepted list of gems associated with the 9 Planets in Vedic Astrology. The primary and alternative gemstones’ energies being equal, but their availability and price is often different.
The first row is Red Garnet and the second row is Ruby. (In rough, faceted, and set in jewelry.)
For example Ruby and Mozambique Garnet (if equal size) have identical power to enhance the benefic energies of the Sun for those who have well placed Sun in their Birth Chart, but Ruby is disproportionately more expensive than an Garnet.
Only gemstones of well placed Planets should be worn. The idea that a poorly placed planet’s gemstone “pacify” the given planet and thus stops the negative effect of the planet is preposterous. Gemstones simply channel the energy because of their natural, structural affinity to a given planetary energy.
This spectacular Yellow Sapphire ring will improve health and luck of a person with 5th House Jupiter, (As Jupiter does very well in Trikona Houses (1st, 5th, 9th) but will increase health problems and create obstacles for a person with Debilitated Jupiter.
There is no “pacifying”, nor any other pseudo spiritual mumbo jumbo. The Sun’s light can be easily collected, enhanced and harnessed by a curved lens (for example a magnifying glass) to a power which can set something on fire. Planetary gemstones work the exact same way.
Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye, the fabulous planetary gemstone of Ketu. As Ketu is Malefic planet, it is only considered “well placed” if it is in a Dushtana (6th, 8th, 12th) or in the 10th House.
Since gemstones can only enhance and magnify, evidently only those gemstones should be used that are channeling the energies of the planet that we WANT to increase, enhance, magnify. It stands to reason that the planets that are “badly placed” in a person’s Birth Chart should never be enhanced.
For example gemstones of benefic planets (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus) if placed in a Dushtana House (6th, 8th, 12th) in a person’s Birth Chart, will enhance the structural weakness and already existing vulnerability.
Left to right, Kyanite, Blue Spinel, Blue Zircon, Blue Sapphire. These stunning blue gemstones should be worn by those who have well placed Saturn.
Proper analysis of the Birth Chart is absolutely necessary. Is a given planet in a good Sign/Rasi? Is it in a favorable House/Bhava? Is the nature of the planet in harmony with the type of the House placement? (Whether it is in Kendra, Trikona, Upachaya or Dushtana House.) Is it a functional benefic or functional malefic for the person? Is the planet in conjunction with one or more other planets? These are the basic questions that need answers before we can decide which gemstone is suitable for a person. Obviously without the proper Birth Chart this is impossible.
The gemstones of Mercury in the rough. Emerald, Peridot, Chrome Diopside. So similar before cutting, yet completely different after. These beautiful gems should never be worn by people who have badly placed Mercury in their Birth Chart.
The gemstones of Saturn, Venus, the Moon and Rahu are traditionally set in silver. The gems of the Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Ketu are set in gold, and the gemstones of Mercury can be set in either silver of gold. However, in may personal experience I have seen the gemstones traditionally set in gold working beautifully when set in silver, so clearly the suitability of the metal is not of the utmost importance.
Red Coral pendant set in gold. The perfect jewelry for well placed Mars.
Planetary gems are usually worn as rings or pendants. The most important factor is that planetary jewelry should be worn all the time (or as much as possible) so people who work with their hands or simply dislike jewelry in general often set their stone in a pendant.
Emerald set in a lavish Art Deco ring with Diamonds. Just because planetary gemstones are useful and powerful, it doesn’t mean they can’t be set with a “grand style”.
The setting itself must be open backed, so there is no metal barrier between the gemstone and the skin. In spite of the circulating myth of the stone having to “touch” the skin, this is not necessary. As with all good things, size matters when it come to gemstones. The average planetary gem is 3.5 cts, but obviously higher the body weight of the person, proportionately bigger the gemstone needs to be in order to bring tangible benefits.