Sun (Surya)

With the planetary number 1, the Sun is the center of our Solar System. It is completely irrelevant which is the celestial body orbiting the other from the vantage point somewhere outside the Solar System. (Just for clarification, in reality neither the Sun orbits around Earth, nor Earth orbits around the Sun. They are both orbiting the center point of their combined mass.) Since we are living on Earth, all we do, including obviously astrology, is by nature geocentric.

The Sun and it's gemstones

Planetary number 1, the Sun is the karaka (significator) of the ego.

In spite of the hype in pop astrology about the importance of the Sun Sign, in actuality the Sign in which the Sun is at the moment of birth is no more and no less important than the Signs other planets are. (A person’s Jupiter Sign, Venus Sign, etc.)

Cuneiform Babylonian Star Catalogue

Ancient Cuneiform Babylonian Star Catalogue. There is no evidence for particular emphasis on the Sun Sign.

The Sun rules only one Sign (like the Moon) in the Zodiac, the Sign of Leo. So in a Birth Chart the Sun becomes the Lord (ruler) of the House where Leo falls.

For example for Sagittarius people the Sun rules the 9th House, for Taurus people the Sun rules the 4th House, etc.

Sun is the strongest in its own Sign Leo, and it is Exalted in the Sign of Aries. In Libra it is Debilitated (the weakest). Sun usually does give good results in friendly Signs (Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo) 

The placement (Sign and House placement combined) of the Sun is the indicator of the Father, of authority, self esteem, confidence and profession. The Sun has only 1 aspect, the Sign directly across from it (180 degrees).

For example 1st House Sun aspects the 7th House, 3rd House Sun aspects the 9th House, etc.

The Sun is a Malefic planet and although it illuminates, it also burns the House where it is placed. As all Malefic planets, the Sun is very well placed in the Malefic Houses (6th, 8th, 12th) and in the 10th House.

Faceted Ruby

Ruby the Traditional Gemstone of the Sun

The planetary gemstone of the Sun is Ruby. (Red Garnet, Red Spinel, Red Zircon, Rubellite are equally powerful alternatives.) Only those with very well placed Sun should wear these gems, because if the Sun is not auspiciously placed in the Birth Chart, a Ruby will magnify these unfortunate energies. On the other hand, when the Sun is powerful in the Chart, wearing its planetary gemstone will magnify this positive power. The Sun rules Sunday.


The Correct Navaratna


Sex and the Planets