What is a Birth Chart?

The Vedic Astrology Birth Chart is done once in a lifetime. The Birth Chart itself is the same whether it is done for a 100 years old person or for a new born baby. The current age is completely irrelevant. The potential for opportunities, the changes, the prevailing energies of certain periods, which are the basis of the Forecast for each year, are calculated from the Birth Chart. So, while the Forecast highlights which energies (already present in the Birth Chart) are enhanced, emphasized, countered, blocked in a given time period, the Birth Chart itself is the same, containing the seeds of all possibilities, all positive and negative energies given at the time of birth.

grahajoy birth chart

The Grahajoy “Birth Chart”

Nakshatras are shown overlapping the Zodiac belt. Planets are marked in the exact Nakshatra and pada for precision. Planetary aspects are marked. Dignity of the planets (Mooltrikona, Debilitation, Lordship, Exaltation) visible. Zodiac Signs (Rasi) are color coded for their elements (Fire, Earth, Air Water) Rulership of the Signs and the Nakshatras is shown. Numbers outside mark the House (Bhava) placement. Pink “A” marks the Lagna (Ascendant) Point.

Grahajoy planetary placements

The Grahajoy “Planetary Placements”

Exact degree of the Lagna and the Planets are shown with Sign (Rasi) and Nakshatra placements. Retrograde planets are marked.

Grahajoy navamsa

The Grahajoy “Charts”

Navamsa (D9) superimposed on the Rasi Chart (Birth Chart) the D9 Chart shows the direction of development and the condition of marriage and partnerships

Grahajoy Dasamsa

The Grahajoy “Charts”

Dasamsa (D10) superimposed on the Birth Chart. This is the most important and accurate way to assess career and work throughout life.

Grahajoy Sudarsana

The Grahajoy “Charts”

The Sudarsana Wheel shows the placement of the Planets from Lagna (Ascendant), Moon and Sun placement of a person. This is where we can see how “actual reality”, mindset, emotional and intellectual qualities harmonize.

Grahajoy Personalized Nakshatra Chart

The Grahajoy “Nakshatras”

Each of the 27 Nakshatras are interpreted to the individual, the energies of the 9 Taras are color coded for quick and easy visual understanding. This is the basis of the list of the Auspicious Timings of the Moon transit in the Yearly Forecast.

GRAHAJOY Ashtakvarga

Grahajoy “Charts”

The Ashtakvarga is a tool to analyze the strength of each planet in relation to the Lagna (Ascendant) and the other planets. It is also helpful in understanding Gochara (transits) so it is an invaluable help ifor the Forecast.

These come in addition to the Astrological report which is 6-7 pages long.


Planetary Gemstones


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