The Art of Fengshui

Fengshui is the ancient Chinese science of living in harmony with the natural environment. The basis of Fengshui is the Bagua. There are 2 surviving versions of the Bagua, the Later Heaven Bagua and the Earlier Heaven Bagua. Both use the same trigrams, but arranged in a different sequence. Most Fengshui practitioners since the Han Dynasty use the Later Heaven Bagua as the model for their calculations. I use the Earlier Heaven Bagua, in the original form, because it mathematically corresponds to other models of perfection and optimization found in other cultures.

Moreover, the supply symmetrical nature of the Earlier Heaven Bagua is the most effective for simple yet radical realignment and harmonization of any given space. In this ever changing and dynamic Universe, we need to adapt to changeability and movement. The Bagua map allows for the energetic alignment of the space that creates pathways through the angles that connect to the existing environment in a dynamic manner.

The 9 areas of Fengshui (the 8 Gua + the Center) are not so important in themselves, they function as the point of reference for the angles. These angles are conduits of (different) energies in space, so within the home we must create energetically correct pathways along each angle that flows together with and become the integral part of the Universal energy paths. 

The Li Kan Angle of the Earlier Heaven Bagua

The Li-Kan Angle of the Earlier Heaven Bagua

While Li-Kan Angle is important in all spaces, it becomes the primary focus when dealing with offices and work places. The quality of the Li-Kan Angle can literally make or break a business.

The very nature of each angle is different, representing 4 types of opposites. When the dichotomy of each angle is respected and correctly “recreated” in the living space, there is harmony, dynamic flow and bliss.

The Qian Kun Angle of the Earlier Heaven Bagua

The Qian-Kun Angle of the Earlier Heaven Bagua

The Qian-Kun angle on the South North direction is also the pathway of creating “more space” visually and energetically by concentrating objects towards the Kun Gua and leaving the Qian Gua relatively sparse.

The Zhen-Xun Angle of Earlier Heaven Bagua

The Zhen-Xun Angle of the Earlier Heaven Bagua

The Zhen-Xun Angle is the ideal path of “actual“ kinetic , physical movement. People freely moving along this angle is a powerful and dynamic Fengshui Remedy in itself.

The Dui-Gen Angle of the Earlier Heaven Fengshui

The Dui-Gen Angle of the Earlier Heaven Fengshui


What is a Birth Chart?


Ketu (Cauda Draconis)