Birth Chart

Electric blue light of the cosmos

Birth Chart

In Vedic Astrology the Birth Chart is drawn up based on the exact placement of the Ascendant point and the planets at the time of birth. This Chart looks at all areas of life, the planetary placements, and the planetary periods, which indicate the opportunities and obstacles appearing in certain, clearly determined time in a person’s life.

The Birth Chart comes with a typed up report of about 7 pages, but most clients will also record the session either on Zoom, or in face to face meeting so they will be able to recall everything said during this session. In reality, I could write a whole book about every single person’s Birth Chart, but it would actually not be useful, as too much and too detailed information easily becomes a burden instead of a boon. 

I do my calculations on a circular chart, using (for practicality and space management) the astrological symbols of the planets. With the Birth Chart, the client also receives the typed up version of this circular chart, called “Worksheet” where the placement of the planets, and the aspects are marked in English for easier understanding. I believe that more information the client receives, easier it is to make the necessary changes, so I always mark and explain the aspects of each planet. 

Even though I am a Vedic Astrologer, instead of the traditional (North Indian or South Indian) chart I use a chart that I developed in order to provide more detailed and more precise visual information. Planetary placements are marked in their Nakshatras, with the exact pada clearly visible instead of just the Sign placement.

I mark all Mooltrikona, Debilitated, and Exalted planets, as they are very important for the clients to fully understand the implication of planetary Dignity.

In order to prepare the report, of course I need to generate several Divisional Charts, so the D9, D10, Sudarsana and the Ashtakvarga Charts are also given to the client, along with the break down on the current planetary periods (Mahadasa, Antardasa and Pratyantardasa) with exact dates. (This is the basis of the discussion and advice on timing related issues)

The auspicious Nakshatra Moon transits are provided with appropriate and evocative color code, so the client can learn which days are well suited or ill suited for certain activities.

1999 RM



Vedic Astrological Birth Chart is only possible if I have the exact time, date and place of birth. Without the exact time of birth, I won’t be able to do the Birth Chart. Contact me via WhatsApp with the time, date and place of birth. When the Birth Chart is done, I will get back to you to arrange for a session. In person, if possible, if not, we will schedule the session on Zoom. Since Astrology is a matter of calculations based on numerical data, it is possible to conduct the session without being in the same physical space.
