Ketu (Cauda Draconis)

With planetary number 9 Ketu, is also known as the South Node of the Moon. Rejection, annihilation, and distraction are the energies of Ketu. In the Vedic worldview Ketu represents the things already accomplished and conquered in past lives, so wherever Ketu is placed in the Birth Chart we see talents and abilities, but no particular desires and drive to use them. When Ketu is well placed, it can give quite spectacular success in life. Ketu is known in Middle Eastern and Western Astrological traditions as the Tail of the Dragon (Cauda Draconis).

As Rahu, Ketu is an invisible energy point, hence its classification in Vedic Astrology as Shadow Planet. Ketu is where the path of the Moon transects the path of the Sun. Even though Ketu is “headless” metaphorically speaking, it has 3 aspects, the 5th, the 7th and the 9th Houses from its placement. As Ketu is always 180 degrees away from Rahu, the 7th House aspect is usually not marked in the Birth Chart, (as this is the placement of Rahu).

Ketu co-rules the Karmic Sign of Scorpio. (The other ruler of Scorpio is Mars). Ketu does well in Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), but in the case of Ketu the House placement is a stronger indicator of its effect than the Sign placement. Psychic abilities and instant “knowing” are the gifts of Ketu.

For example, for Scorpio ascendant people Ketu is the co-ruler of the 1st House, for Aries people Ketu is the co-ruler of the 8th House, etc.

Ketu is a very strong Malefic Planet, it does very well in the Dushtana (6th, 8th 12th) Houses, the 3rd House and the 10th House (all planets can do very well in the 10th House, regardless of their Benefic or Malefic nature). Ketu in Trikona (1st, 5th, 9th) Houses bring a lot of struggle and the general difficulty of appreciating and receiving positive, uplifting energies and happiness.

In conjunctions Ketu has a very strong and violent modifying influence, which can be positive or negative. For example Moon Ketu Conjunction can result in schizophrenia and other mental conditions, but if the Moon Ketu conjunction is at the right degrees, it gives incredible pattern seeing ability and fabulous understanding of mathematical concepts.

Cabochon Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye

Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye

Ketu’s planetary gemstone is the Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye. As with all gemstones, only people who have well placed Ketu in their Birth Chart should ever wear Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye. Ketu doesn’t rule any day of the week, and it has no Hora rulership either.


The Art of Fengshui


What is a House (Bhava)?