Moon (Chandra)
Planetary number 2, the soft and lovely Moon is the fastest planet, making a full round of the Zodiac every 28 days. The Moon rules 1 Sign (like the Sun) the Sign of Cancer. The rulership of the Moon for everyone depends on which House the Sign of Cancer falls in their Birth Chart.
For Capricorn people the Moon rules the 7th House, for Gemini people the Moon rules the 2nd House, etc.
The Moon rules the mind and the emotions.
Even though there is no difference in importance of the placements of the other 8 planets (Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) in a person’s Birth Chart, as the Moon is the indicator of a person’s mind and emotions, it becomes the first planet to analyze in everyone’s Chart. The condition (rulership, Sign and House placement, aspects received) of the Moon shows HOW a person will react to and feel about things and life events.
The Moon is strongest in Cancer, Exalted in Taurus and Debilitated in Scorpio. Friendly Signs are Gemini, Virgo Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces. Other than in its Debilitation Sign Scorpio, the Moon with its great suppleness and adaptability can work well in all the other 11 Signs, and understanding the exact nature of the Sign where the Moon is at the time of birth gives the most important insight to “HOW a person can be happy, healthy and well balanced”.
The Moon shows the emotional life and the mindset of a person, whether someone is easy-going or prone to worry, confident or fearful, comfortable with emotions or repressed. The Mother and the relationship with the Mother are also seen from the Moon.
The Moon is a Benefic planet, and, as all Benefics, it is only well placed in Trikona (1st, 5th, 9th Houses) the 4th House, 10th and 11th Houses. The Moon usually gives bad results in the Malefic Dushtana (6th, 8th, 12th) Houses. The Moon has only one aspect directly across from its placement.
4th House Moon aspects the 10th House, 6th House Moon aspects the 12th House, etc.
The energies of the Moon are very powerful yet extremely fragile at the same time. Most emotional issues that stop people from realizing their potential are directly related to the placement of the Moon.
Especially when the Moon is conjunct (placed in the same House) with Malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) it shows struggle, difficulties and emotional disorders, even when the rest of the Chart is reasonably good. The Moon controls the mind, but it has nothing to do with the actual intelligence of a person. (Intelligence is seen by the placement of Mercury and from the distance between Sun and Mercury)
Pearl is the Traditional Gemstone of the Moon
The planetary gemstones of the Moon are Pearl and Moonstone. Only people with well placed and strong Moon should ever wear these gems, as Pearls will magnify and enhance the disturbing and negative powers of badly placed Moon, causing anguish, depression, anxiety and misfortune. The Moon rules Monday.