Mercury (Budh)

With planetary number 4, speedy Mercury gives us our analytical intelligence and logic. Mercury is fast moving and a rather uncaring planet that represents our interest in different things and subjects. From the condition of Mercury we see a person’s measurable intelligence, common sense and quickness (or slowness) of the mind. Mercury is the planet orbiting closest to the Sun, so it can never be farther than 1 House from the Sun in any Chart.

Mercury is the Karaka (significator) of communication and skills of hands

Mercury rules 2 Signs, the Air Sign Gemini and the Earth Sign Virgo. In everyone’s Birth Chart Mercury rules the 2 Houses where Gemini and Virgo fall .

For an Aries person Mercury rules the 3rd and 6th Houses, for a Libra person Mercury rules the 9th and 12th Houses, etc.

Mercury does well in friendly Signs, but even in enemy and neutral Signs it can give reasonably good results. Mercury aspects only 1 House, the one directly across from it

For example 3rd House Mercury aspects the 9th House

It is strongest in Virgo and Debilitated in the Sign of Pisces. Mercury is considered a Benefic planet, so it does the best in Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th Houses) and Trikona (1st 5th 9th Houses). Mercury is a soft planet, placed in Malefic houses usually brings undue worries and difficulty in concentration. Dexterity and practicality can also be seen from the condition of Mercury.

Faceted oval Chrome Diopside

Chrome Diopside a magnificent gemstone of Mercury

The planetary gemstone of Mercury is Emerald. (Peridot, Green Zircon, Green Sapphire, Chrome Tourmaline, Chrome Diopside are equally powerful alternative gems.) Only those who have well placed Mercury in their Birth Charts should wear these gems, as in case of badly placed Mercury, these gems can bring a lot of mental confusion, forgetfulness and other problems related to logic and mental clarity. Mercury rules Wednesday.


Moon (Chandra)


Mars (Mangala)