Mars (Mangala)

Planetary number 3, fiery Mars gives us explosive energy and passion. It is a very straightforward planet, but in spite of its reputation as the planet of “manliness”, Mars has actually nothing to do with romantic relationships in a woman’s chart. (It is the placement of Jupiter that gives insight about the potential spouse and romantic interests.) It is important to understand that Mars is essentially a “soldier”, not a leader. From the condition of Mars we see where and how energy will be spent.

Mars with its gemstones

Mars is the Karaka (significator) of will power

Mars rules 2 Signs, the Fire Sign Aries and the Water Sign Scorpio. In everyone’s Birth Chart Mars rules the 2 Houses where the signs of Aries and Scorpio fall.

For a Pisces person Mars rules the 2nd and 9th Houses, for an Aquarius person Mars rules the 3rd and 10th Houses, etc.

It is strongest in Aries, Exalted in Capricorn and Debilitated in Cancer. In the friendly Signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces) and in Libra Mars can give excellent results. The nature of the Sign Mars is placed in will give the particular “flavor” of the natural inclinations and will power of a person.

Mars is a Malefic planet, so it does very well in the Malefic Dushtana (6th, 8th, 12th Houses) in the 3rd House and in the 10th House. Mars aspects 3 Houses, the 4th, 7th and 8th Houses from its placement.

2nd House Mars aspects the 5th, the 8th and the 9th Houses, 10th House Mars aspects the 1st, 4th and 5th Houses, etc.

Mars shows athletic ability, or the lack thereof, the ability to toe the line, to work hard and it also shows whether inner fire and passion will express with ease towards actions or not.

Cabochon cut Red Coral

Red Coral is the Traditional gemstone of Mars

The planetary gemstones of Mars are Coral and Red or Orange Carnelian. These gemstones are very effective in channeling and enhancing Mars’s energies, but they should only be worn by people whose Mars is well placed in their Birth Chart. Mars rules Tuesday.


Mercury (Budh)


Kendra Houses the Structure