Kendra Houses the Structure

The Kendra Houses (1st, 4th, 7th 10th) give the structure to the person, as if these were the 4 legs of a table. From the Birth Chart we can see what energies are important and stable in someone’s life. Other than the utmost importance of the rulership of the Kendra Houses we need to look at the planets placed in Kendra. These planets get extra strength and stability regardless of their condition otherwise. 

This is why the Ascendant (Lagna) is so important, if we don’t know the Ascendant, there is no way to establish which are the Kendra Houses, so there is no way to establish “where” the much needed stability and structure lies. Of course, the Ascendant can only be calculated through the exact time, date and place of birth. This is the reason I have to turn away many clients simply because they don’t have their exact birth time.

For each Ascendant the Kendra Houses will by default be the same modality as the Ascendant. Cardinal Sign Ascendant will have Cardinal Kendra, Fixed Ascendant will have Fixed Kendra, Mutable Ascendant will have Mutable Kendra.

For example, Leo people’s very fixed and dogged nature comes from the fact that the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Houses are ALL Fixed Signs. Gemini people’s multitasking, mercurial and often fickle but entertaining personality is the result of ALL their Kendra Houses are being Mutable Signs. 

People with too many planets in Kendra can experience too much stability which often manifests in feelings of stagnation and it can lead to boredom, however they tend to have a well organized and stable life path. Too few planets in Kendra on the other hand can result in feelings of unsettledness, lack of security and anxiety.


Mars (Mangala)


Kaal Sarp Period The Serpent Curse