
Graha means “heavenly body” and joy is simply joy. We believe in the inherent perfection and oneness of the Universe, all our work is based on the understanding that perfection is not only possible, but that it is the natural state of Divine Creation. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes, so it stands to reason that every person’s Astrological Chart contains the information necessary to attain the state of success, happiness and bliss.

What is a Birth Chart?
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What is a Birth Chart?

The Vedic Astrology Birth Chart is done once in a lifetime. The Birth Chart itself is the same whether it is done for a 100 years old person or for a new born baby. The current age is completely irrelevant. The potential for opportunities, the changes, the prevailing energies of certain periods, which are the basis of the Forecast for each year, are calculated from the Birth Chart. So, while the Forecast highlights which energies (already present in the Birth Chart) are enhanced, emphasized, countered, blocked in a given time period, the Birth Chart itself is the same, containing the seeds of all possibilities, all positive and negative energies given at the time of birth.

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What is a House (Bhava)?
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What is a House (Bhava)?

A House is a 30 degrees segment of the Zodiac. It is the same size as a Sign, but while Signs are fixed, Houses depend on the Ascendant. As the exact time, date and place of birth determines the Ascendant, whichever Sign this point falls becomes the 1st House. This is why the time of birth is so important, without the exact time, based only on the birth day a person could be literally any of the 12 Ascendants, making all Astrological predictions or analysis completely meaningless and useless. 

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Upachaya Houses
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Upachaya Houses

Upachaya Houses are the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Houses in every Birth Chart. As the actual Houses can only be determined from knowing the Ascendant (which depends on the exact time, date and place of birth) Birth Charts can only be done for people who have the exact time of birth. Upachaya Houses are the “improving” areas of life, they do need effort and work, but with age the Planets placed here become stronger, more active and more effective.

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Trikona Houses
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Trikona Houses

Trikona Houses are the 1st, 5th and 9th Houses in everyone’s Birth Chart. They are always the same energy (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) as the Ascendant. For example Capricorn people’s Trikona Houses are ALL Earth Signs, Aries people’s Trikona Houses are ALL fire Signs, etc.

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The Importance of the Moon in Astrology
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The Importance of the Moon in Astrology

The Moon represents mental state, mind, emotions, imagination, our link to the subconscious and creativity. This is why in order to see life opportunities and obstacles in Astrology, one has to take the Moon Chart in consideration, as the true life path is determined how we will react to the situations encountered. The position of the Moon in the Chart is given by Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions) The ruling planet of the Moon's Nakshatra is very important, as the character of the Ruler will have a great influence on the person's nature.

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The Importance of Mars in Astrology
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The Importance of Mars in Astrology

Mars, the Warrior Planet is considered a Natural Malefic both in Vedic and Western Astrology. Mars's energy is hot, explosive and violent, hence the classification "malefic". There are many areas of life where this potentially destructive energy is not only beneficial, it is also necessary. Associating Mars with warfare is logical, because in battle, especially in old-fashioned battles where fighting was face to face and often one on one, this explosive, murderous energy coupled with physical strength and courage is the primary force.

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Zodiac Systems (Vedic versus Western)
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Zodiac Systems (Vedic versus Western)

The Tropical Zodiac (also known as the Western Zodiac) was not originally meant for astrological use. It was a calendar system best suited for higher latitudes where agricultural production depends on the seasons. In preindustrial times the beginning of spring was truly the most important "event" that needed to be correctly defined.

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The Rulership of the Nakshatras
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The Rulership of the Nakshatras

The exact nature of each Nakshatra is better understood by observing the combinations of Elemental Energies and Modalities they represent. For example, even though all 3 Nakshatras of the Moon are in the mid section of Earth Signs, so the strong Earth energies are shared, but Rohini is Fixed, Hasta is Mutable and Shravana is in a Cardinal Sign, so 3 people with these 3 (ruled by the Moon) Nakshatra placements of the Moon will be very markedly different in nature, even though each will have strong practicality and structure.

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Nakshatras the Original Skymap
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Nakshatras the Original Skymap

The genius of Vedic Astrology is that the Zodiac system (which most likely emerged somewhere in the Fertile Crescent before the heyday of the Babylonian Empire) was superimposed on the much older Nakshatra system. In the Vedic Astrological worldview we have the precision of the pattern of 1 in 27 as opposed to the pattern of 1 in 12.

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Kendra Houses the Structure
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Kendra Houses the Structure

The Kendra Houses (1st, 4th, 7th 10th) give the structure to the person, as if these were the 4 legs of a table. From the Birth Chart we can see what energies are important and stable in someone’s life. Other than the utmost importance of the rulership of the Kendra Houses we need to look at the planets placed in Kendra. These planets get extra strength and stability regardless of their condition otherwise.

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Malefic Dushtana Houses
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Malefic Dushtana Houses

Dushtana Houses are the 6th, 8th and 12th Houses in everyone’s Birth Chart. These are strongly malefic in nature, as these Houses show us the areas where obstacles, enemies of all kinds, instability, danger and losses lie. Benefic planets (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter Venus) do very poorly in Dushtana Houses. Their “receptive”, abundance giving and pleasure seeking soft nature is ill equipped to provide us with the grit, the fighting ability and the raw brute strength and resilience we need to fight off enemies, overcome obstacles and survive instability.

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