Makar Sankranthi (Ponggal)

The transit of the Sun into the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn is celebrated in many parts of the world. In the Northern Hemisphere this transit is the beginning the 6 month “warming cycle” as the Sun progresses northwards, bringing warmer weathers. Other then its obvious agricultural significance, Makar Sankranthi is also a very powerful initiating power that can be used in all areas of life. Ponggal is the time for all “beginnings”, so whatever we decide to start during this transit is supported by this incredible pushing energy. (The exact moment of the Makar Sankranthi is January 14. 2022 16.28 Kuala Lumpur time.)

Auspicious design created by colored rice or grain in front of the entrance of the home to welcome the life giving Sun

Ponggal Kolam

Auspicious design created by colored rice or grain in front of the entrance of the home to welcome the life giving Sun

The Sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, it is the Sign of structure, well established and well organized power, and manifest worldly success. This most auspicious transit of the Sun happens in an “Enemy Sign”. Saturn and the Sun are Planetary Enemies, their energies are not compatible, so the magic of Ponggal requires concentrated effort from us in order for this warming and life affirming energy to deliver the support.

In Western Astrology Capricorn is a goat, but the original Vedic creature associated with this powerful Sign is the Crocodile.

Makara (Capricorn)

In Western Astrology Capricorn is a goat, but the original Vedic creature associated with this powerful Sign is the mighty Crocodile.

As with all transits and all Astrological events (New Moons, Full Moons, etc) it is very important to know the personal implications. Wherever the Sign of Capricorn falls in a person’s Birth Chart, that is the area where he needs to concentrate and focus his individual efforts during this transit.

For example Scorpio Ascendant people have Capricorn in the 3rd House of Communication and Efforts, Virgos have Capricorn in the 5th House of Creativity and Children, etc.

Here in Capricorn Saturn is truly the King Maker, as long as there is discipline and willingness to work, these energies give immense and long lasting success

Shani (Saturn)

Here in Capricorn Saturn is truly the King Maker, as long as there is discipline and willingness to work, these energies give immense and long lasting success.

This Ponggal energy is so strong and so powerful, that even the first steps in the right direction get support. The power is not for the plans and projects we “accomplish” within this 30 days transit, it is for all long term projects we “initiate” during this time. The nature of Capricorn requires discipline, punctuality and willingness to work hard. It is a “grand Sign”, with largesse and power, so thinking big and having large scale, big picture plans to start during this transit is the most effective.

The word “ponggal” means “boiling over” On the day of Makar Sankranthi a delicious porridge is prepared to show gratitude for the last harvest and expectations of abundance for the next

Ponggal Porridge

The word “ponggal” means “boiling over” On the day of Makar Sankranthi a delicious porridge is prepared to show gratitude for the last harvest and expectations of abundance for the next

The nature of this auspicious day makes it the best time of the year for goal setting. (This is why my Forecasts for each year begin with Makar Sankranthi.) The celebrations last only the first couple of days of this transit, but the entire 30 days of the Sun’s transit in Capricorn are very strong for establishing a new lifestyle, focusing on new goals and initiating new projects.


Fengshui Remedies Made from Gemstones