Saturn (Shani)

With planetary number 7 Saturn is known as the Greatest Malefic and the Kingmaker at the same time. These two contradictory statements show the incredible raw power of Saturn and also the incredible fear and admiration this power evokes. On the one hand Saturn restricts and puts obstacles in a person’s path, but on the other hand when well placed Saturn gives the most spectacular wealth and success. 

Saturn and its gemstones

Saturn is the Karaka of worldly success and career.

Saturn rules 2 Signs, the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn and the Fixed Air Sign Aquarius. So Saturn becomes the ruler of the Houses where these two Signs fall in a person’s Birth Chart. (For example, for an Aquarius person Saturn rules the 1st and 12th Houses, for a Leo it rules the 6th and 7th Houses, etc.) Saturn aspects 3 Houses, the 3rd, 7th and the 10th House from its placement.

For example Saturn in the 2nd House aspects the 4th, 8th and 11th Houses.

Saturn is strongest in Aquarius in its Mooltrikona Sign, Exalted in Libra and Debilitated in Aries. It does very well in its own Signs, and the friendly Signs of Virgo, Taurus. There is always a desire and need for stability and reliability in the area indicated by the House placement of Saturn. People with good Saturn are often naturally disciplined and organized.

As a Malefic, Saturn is best placed in Malefic Dushtana (6th, 8th, 12th) Houses and Upachaya (3rd, 11th and 10th ) Houses. From the placement of Saturn we can see a person’s ability for hard routine work, discipline, and structure. No matter how well placed Saturn is, the success and wealth it promises can only be achieved through dedication and hard work. A person’s emotional and practical relationship to wealth is indicated by the placement of Saturn. 

Cabochon cut Blue Sapphire, the Traditional Gemstone of Saturn

The planetary gemstone of Saturn is Blue Sapphire. Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Spinel are equally powerful alternative gems. Only people with very well placed Saturn in their Birth Chart should ever wear these gemstones. Saturn rules Saturday.


Sex and the Planets


Sade Sati the 7 and half transformative years