Upachaya Houses

Upachaya Houses are the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Houses in every Birth Chart. As the actual Houses can only be determined from knowing the Ascendant (which depends on the exact time, date and place of birth) Birth Charts can only be done for people who have the exact time of birth. Upachaya Houses are the “improving” areas of life, they do need effort and work, but with age the Planets placed here become stronger, more active and more effective. 

The 6th House is both a Dushtana and an Upachaya House, and the 10th House is both a Kendra and an Upachaya House, so the best placed planets here are those which also complies with the desirability of Dushtana and Kendra Houses respectively. The 6th House is strongly Malefic, so natural Malefics (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) give the best results here. These planets will increase in power with time, so Malefics in the 6th House are doubly auspicious and protective. All planets do well in the 10th House (Kendra) so regardless whether Malefics or Benefics are placed in the 10th House, their power will also become stronger (according to the exact nature of the given planet) and more effective with time because the 10th House is also an Upachaya House.

Consciously embracing the qualities of the planets in Upachaya Houses can speed up this “improvement” and “strengthening”. While appropriate planetary gemstones are very powerful in enhancing planetary energies, the best thing to do with planets in Upachaya Houses is the conscious making of the effort and application of free will. However, the efforts need to be made according to the energies of the planet in Upachaya.

For example if Saturn is placed in Upachaya, the “values of Saturn” need to be embraced. Discipline, well regulated routine work, punctuality, etc. But if Venus is placed in Upachaya Houses, the “values of Saturn” will not work at all. Instead there is a need (or simply a fabulous opportunity for improvement) to embrace the “values of Venus”. (Creativity, art, pleasure time, enjoyment of fine things, etc.)

So it is very important to fully understand the nature of the planets if we want to have tangible benefits and practical, actual improvements in our lives.


Venus (Shukra)


Trikona Houses