Trikona Houses

Trikona Houses are the 1st, 5th and 9th Houses in everyone’s Birth Chart. They are always the same energy (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) as the Ascendant.

For example Capricorn people’s Trikona Houses are ALL Earth Signs, Aries people’s Trikona Houses are ALL fire Signs, etc.

Evidently, without knowing the exact time, date and place of birth, the Ascendant cannot be established, so we have no way of finding out what energies bring the luck and “blessings” factor in a person’s life. This is the reason I have to turn away many clients who do not have their exact birth time. Unfortunately, without the exact birth time, Astrology becomes a pseudo spiritual mumbo jumbo guess work.

The Trikona Houses show luck, joy, connection to the Divine, pleasure and abundance in general. By their nature, Trikona Houses are strongly Benefic, so Natural Benefic Planets (Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon) do very well in 1st, 5th, 9th Houses. Malefics (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) generally bring problems in accessing this fabulous “luck”. 

As the 1st House is part of both Kendra and Trikona, if the Sign placement is good, even Malefics can do very well here. (Unlike in the 5th and 9th Houses)

Trikona Houses are associated with lovely things in all Astrological traditions. Luck, Divine connection, higher wisdom, creativity, children, happiness, joy, radiant health. These Houses offer “gifts” so in these areas of life receptive and Benefic energies serve us the best.


Upachaya Houses


The Magic of the Mutable Signs in Astrology