The Magic of the Mutable Signs in Astrology
The Mutable signs of the Zodiac, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces represent energies that are flexible, adaptable and communicative. Of course, each of these signs remains true to their element, but how this element is expressed is where we can see this Mutable quality.
As Cardinal Signs give us the necessary power to initiate something and Fixed signs give us the core strength for sustaining, the Mutable signs' energies help us to complete a plan and go to the next one. Of these three modalities the Mutable energy is the hardest to explain. It is a versatile energy that allows us to navigate change.
In the human context change almost always requires interaction and communication, so these Mutable signs will give this quality to the planets placed in them. As for smooth transition one needs a flexible mind, people whose Moon is in Mutable signs are usually very bright, intelligent and outgoing. On the other hand, because the Moon rules our mind and our emotions, these same people can seem unreliable and often flighty.
Gemini the Mutable Air Sign is ruled by Mercury
When we look at a Birth Chart, we notice that planets in these signs always get this additional power to encourage transformation. Since business and trade are almost exclusively dependent on good communication and quick thinking, a Mutable Rising Sign among great businessmen and women is quite common, unsurprisingly.
Virgo, the Mutable Earth Sign is ruled by Mercury
For every action we take in life, there is an equal need for Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable energies. Nothing can be accomplished if even one of them is lacking. In a cyclical worldview things have a beginning, a being and an ending. The end inevitably leads to a new beginning. This is why Mutable energies are the most complex, they need to help us finish a plan and also to transition to the next one, when the Cardinal energies will take over.
Sagittarius the Mutable Fire Sign is ruled by Jupiter
Wherever the four Mutable signs are in a Birth Chart, those are the areas when a person is the most flexible, intelligent and even crafty. Street smarts come from these signs as do practical thinking and the ability to multitask. Admirable as these qualities are, when there is too much Mutable energy in a Chart, it can cause a lack of tenacity, a fickle mindset and a tendency to be unreliable and unfaithful.
Pisces the Mutable Water Sign is ruled by Jupiter
Because transition is such an important facet of Mutability, those with Mutable Ascendant are excellent in bringing different people together as peacemakers, diplomats and counselors. They are also usually very open-minded and accepting towards people, and especially towards ideas from different cultures. This worldly attitude with their open mindset and their knack of getting along with pretty much anyone makes these men and women very attractive in the eyes of others.
They do need to make an effort to pay attention to details and to learn how to work on long-term projects, because their short attention span and their dislike of commitment can often be their downfall. Regardless of our Birth Chart, we can greatly benefit from understanding and embracing these wonderfully vibrant Mutable energies.