Jupiter (Guru)
With planetary number 5 lucky Jupiter is considered the Greatest Benefic in all astrological traditions. The energies of Jupiter are expanding and very space filling. Wherever Jupiter is placed in a person’s Birth Chart, we see expansion, augmentation and “more”. Wisdom and knowledge (most often the innate, non learned type) can be seen from Jupiter’s placement. Religiosity and comfort and ease with rituals and religious observances (or the lack thereof) are also indicated by Jupiter.
Jupiter is the Karaka (significator) of wealth and luck
Jupiter rules 2 Signs of the Zodiac, the Mutable Fire Sign Sagittarius and the Mutable Water Sign Pisces. In the Birth Chart Jupiter becomes the ruler of the Houses Sagittarius and Pisces occupies.
For example For Virgo people Jupiter rules the 7th and 10th Houses, for Pisces Jupiter rules the 1st and 4th Houses, etc.
Jupiter is strongest in Sagittarius, its Mooltrikona Sign, it is strong in its own Sign Pisces, Exalted in Cancer and generally does well in friendly Signs (Aries, Leo, Scorpio) Jupiter is Debilitated in Capricorn.
As a Benefic, Jupiter gives good results in Trikona Houses (1st 5th 9th) and Kendra Houses (1st 4th 7th 10th). In Malefic Houses Jupiter tends to cause a lot of problems, as its expanding nature brings more problems, more difficulties and more obstacles. Jupiter is also the indicator of romantic partners and spouses in a female’s Birth Chart.
Yellow Sapphire is the Traditional Gemstone of Jupiter
The planetary gemstone of Jupiter is Yellow Sapphire (Yellow Zircon, Yellow Topaz, and Citrine are equally powerful and suitable alternatives). Only people with very well placed Jupiter in their Birth Chart should be wearing the gemstones of Jupiter. In case of ill placed Jupiter, wearing yellow Sapphire will bring the expansion and the energies of “more” to unfortunate areas of life, for instance 6th House Jupiter will increase illnesses and obstacles.