Sex and the Planets

Sex is the subject everyone finds interesting. Everyone. Always. Everywhere. Regardless of our cultural background, our profession, our age, sex remains a subject interesting and fascinating for all of us. As they say in advertising and marketing, sex sells. It sells, because sex is one of the most vital and enjoyable parts of the human experience, ideally connecting the realms of the physical, the mental, the emotional and the Divine in one single act.

Since astrology can be very useful in understanding a person's nature, it is small wonder that the internet and the popular media are full of stereotypes regarding the sexual tastes and nature of certain astrological signs. Of course, just saying that someone must be sensuous and even promiscuous based on their Sun Sign is overly simplistic, but there are certain Planetary Positions that actually do give insight into a person's potential attitude towards sex.

Venus, known as the Planet of Love and Beauty surprisingly have only a minimal effect on sexual tastes. Venus gives us the sensuous pleasures, the ability to love and the enjoyment of being loved, but that wonderful fire of sexual desire is ruled by other planets.

The planet Mars represents our physical urges and desires, so the position of Mars in the Birth Chart can certainly be an indicator of sexual appetites. When Mars is in Aries, there is a wonderfully forward and frank approach to sexuality. People with Mars in Aries have the same unapologetic appetite for sex, as for other sports and activities. Their love-making is athletic and enthusiastic. They are usually not into anything elaborate, both men and women with this planetary position enjoy a nice healthy libido.


Sun (Surya)


Saturn (Shani)