
Graha means “heavenly body” and joy is simply joy. We believe in the inherent perfection and oneness of the Universe, all our work is based on the understanding that perfection is not only possible, but that it is the natural state of Divine Creation. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes, so it stands to reason that every person’s Astrological Chart contains the information necessary to attain the state of success, happiness and bliss.

Venus (Shukra)
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Venus (Shukra)

With planetary number 6, Venus is known as the planet of beauty and love. Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun, so much like mercury, it can never be too far from the Sun in a Birth Chart. (This is why Venus can never receive the aspect of the Sun.) From the placement of Venus we can see how someone is going to relate to other people, what gives them pleasure and happiness

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Sun (Surya)
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Sun (Surya)

With the planetary number 1, the Sun is the center of our Solar System. It is completely irrelevant which is the celestial body orbiting the other from the vantage point somewhere outside the Solar System. Just for clarification, in reality neither the Sun orbits around Earth, nor Earth orbits around the Sun.

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Saturn (Shani)
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Saturn (Shani)

With planetary number 7 Saturn is known as the Greatest Malefic and the Kingmaker at the same time. These two contradictory statements show the incredible raw power of Saturn and also the incredible fear and admiration this power evokes. On the one hand Saturn restricts and puts obstacles in a person’s path, but on the other hand when well placed Saturn gives the most spectacular wealth and success

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Rahu (Caput Draconis)
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Rahu (Caput Draconis)

With planetary number 8 Rahu is also known as the North node of the Moon. Illusions, delusions, greed and violence are the true nature of Rahu. When well placed in the Birth Chart, it can give immense wealth and good fortune. Rahu is the Head of the Dragon

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Moon (Chandra)
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Moon (Chandra)

The energies of the Moon are very powerful yet extremely fragile at the same time. Most emotional issues that stop people from realizing their potential are directly related to the placement of the Moon. Especially when the Moon is conjunct (placed in the same House) with Malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) it shows struggle, difficulties and emotional disorders, even when the rest of the Chart is reasonably good. The Moon controls the mind, but it has nothing to do with the actual intelligence of a person.

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Mercury (Budh)
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Mercury (Budh)

With planetary number 4, speedy Mercury gives us our analytical intelligence and logic. Mercury is fast moving and a rather uncaring planet that represents our interest in different things and subjects. From the condition of Mercury we see a person’s measurable intelligence, common sense and quickness (or slowness) of the mind. Mercury is the planet orbiting closest to the Sun, so it can never be farther than 1 House from the Sun in any Chart.

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Mars (Mangala)
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Mars (Mangala)

Planetary number 3, fiery Mars gives us explosive energy and passion. It is a very straightforward planet, but in spite of its reputation as the planet of “manliness”, Mars has actually nothing to do with romantic relationships in a woman’s chart. (It is the placement of Jupiter that gives insight about the potential spouse and romantic interests.) It is important to understand that Mars is essentially a “soldier”, not a leader. From the condition of Mars we see where and how energy will be spent.

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