The Earth Signs of the Zodiac

The Earth Signs of the Zodiac represent Earth energies that are grounding, nourishing, practical and very security conscious. The element of Earth can be best understood by gravity itself. Earth is a Feminine Energy, meaning that it is receptive and inward flowing unlike masculine energies that are “being spent” and outward directed. It is a straight forward, downwards directed energy, incredibly calming and low vibrational. The 3 Earth Signs of the Zodiac give us this practical and safe Earth energy in 3 different modalities.

Capricorn the Cardinal Earth Sign

Capricorn the Cardinal Earth Sign

Capricorn, the Cardinal Earth Sign ruled by Saturn is the Earth energy manifested in power and structure and stability in a grand, often grandiose scale. Wherever the sign of Capricorn is in the Birth Chart, that is the area where we need to express these “big picture structure” practical energies.

For example Scorpio people have Capricorn in the 3rd House, Cancers have Capricorn in the 7th House, etc.

Taurus the Fixed Earth Sign

Taurus the Fixed Earth Sign

The Fixed Earth Sign of Venus, Taurus, is where old fashioned, traditional values rule. Creativity is materialistic, there is comfort in finer things of life, stability and structure are fixed and laterally enjoyed. The House where Taurus falls in the Birth Chart is an indicator of the area of life where we need this comfort, security and material wealth.

Virgo The Mutable Earth Sign

Virgo the Mutable Earth Sign

Virgo, the Mutable Earth Sign ruled by Mercury is immensely practical and the Earth energies changeable, mutable nature pushes us to fix, to improve, to repair. There is a very clear headed aim here for “usefulness” and details. The placement of Virgo in a person’s Birth Chart shows in which areas of life these detail oriented and improvement focus Earth energies are going to manifest.

For example for Sagittarius people Virgo falls in the 10th House, for Pisces in the 7th House, etc.

Other than Ketu, all planets can do well in Earth Signs generally speaking. Planets in Earth Signs can give us stability, but they can also increase our sense of stagnation and cause excessive materialism.


The Fire Signs of the Zodiac


Malefic Dushtana Houses