The Fire Signs of the Zodiac
The Fire Signs of the Zodiac represent Fire energies that are hot, individualistic, passionate and rather aggressive. The element of Fire is relatively easy to understand, its direction is upward going and straight. It is a Masculine energy, meaning that the energy is “outward bound” instead of receptive and inward bound as in the case of Feminine energies. The 3 Fire Signs of the Zodiac give us this warming and direct Fire Energy in 3 different modalities.
Aries the Cardinal Fire Sign
Aries, the Cardinal Fire Sign ruled by Mars is the individualistic, go getting uncaring and unthinking, violent manifestation of the Fire. Wherever the Sign of Aries falls in the Birth Chart, this is the area where a person is most liable to experience and exhibit these competitive and ready to fight energies.
For example, Taurus people have Aries in their 12th House, Geminis have Aries in the 11th House, etc.
Leo the Fixed Fire Sign
The Fixed Fire Sign Leo, ruled by the Sun, is giving us the steadiness, constancy and unrelenting yet controlled energies of the Fire because of the Fixed nature of Leo. Wherever Leo falls in the Birth Chart, that is where we can access this fame, popularity and natural authority.
For example Aquarius people have Leo in the 7th House, Cancers have Leo in the 2nd House, etc.
Sagittarius the Mutable Fire Sign
Sagittarius, the Mutable Fire Sign ruled by Jupiter makes this Fire flexible, changeable and very adaptable, that is why the Sign of Sagittarius is the Sign of intellectual pursuit and higher studies. The Fire energy in its Mutable modality is no longer physical, it is refined and very cerebral, without losing the passion and the elan. Everyone can experience these energies in the area of life where Sagittarius falls in their Birth Chart.
For example Pisces people have Sagittarius in the 10th House, Virgos have Sagittarius in their 4th House, etc.
Hot planets (Sun, Mars, Ketu) usually do very well in Fire Signs, but they can often cause anger issues that must be dealt with by finding appropriate channels of expression.