Fixed Signs Of The Zodiac - Why Are They Important for Success and Happiness?

Both in Vedic and Western Astrology the astrological signs are classified as Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable. Of each element, fire, earth, air and water, one sign will be cardinal, one fixed and one mutable. Regardless of the element and the particular character of these astrological signs, there is something essentially either cardinal, or fixed or mutable about them. Let's look at the fixed signs of the Zodiac. What is so "fixed" about them and how they affect our everyday lives?

Taurus the Fixed Earth Sign

Taurus the Fixed Earth Sign

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius channel their respective elements in a stable, steady, persistent, one could say "fixed" manner. When planets are in these signs, the areas of life they rule will be characterized by this unchanging nature. We want stability, reliability and security. This doesn't mean, of course, that a person with planets in fixed signs can't be adventurous and exciting. It simply means that the areas of life ruled by these planets will be all about safety, and the brave, innovative, crazy side of this person will be apparent in other aspects.

Leo the Fixed Fire Sign

Leo the Fixed Fire Sign

For example, people who have fixed signs in their 7th House will usually be faithful and loyal to their spouses and expect the same from them, as the 7th House is the House of Marriage and Partnerships. This is how the fixed nature of these Zodiac signs manifests. At the same time, this very same person might have the Warrior Planet Mars in a Cardinal sign, making him or her very outgoing, adventurous and active.

Scorpio the Fixed Water Sign

Scorpio the Fixed Water Sign

The interesting thing to note is that depending on which houses Mars rules, this risk taking attitude will show up in those areas, while the fixed nature of the 7th House will remain intact. As each of the planets affect us differently, when they are in any of the Fixed Signs it usually means stability, steadfastness but also potentially, stagnation.

Aquarius the Fixed Air Sign

Aquarius the Fixed Air Sign

Sometimes it is good news, but in some cases it can be unpleasant. Fast moving Mercury, the planet of communication, commerce and cash flow, is distinctly unhappy in fixed signs. As all the functions of Mercury require speed for success, during the transits of Mercury in fixed signs we often experience that our business negotiations take longer than expected, sales are down, official applications encounter roadblocks, even our personal communication might seem less smooth and easy than usual.

The ultimate lesson of astrology is that we can't get away from planetary alignments, no matter how hard we try. Some people feel that astrology is harmful, as it encourages fatalism, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Although we do have to accept that certain planetary positions will have a given influence, but the power to work this to our own advantage is within us.

Astrology can help us in increasing awareness by identifying the particular needs, talents and opportunities we have in different areas of our lives, while knowing and understanding planetary transits in fixed signs can really give an advantage for carefully planning ahead in our business, professional life, investments, and even private family matters.


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