Gems and Precious Stones for Health and Happiness

Since the dawn of civilization people have been fascinated by gems and crystals. They are colorful, sparkling and beautiful, no wonder we love to adorn ourselves and our surroundings with such treasures.

There are many approaches to the appreciation of gemstones. For the geologist, the perfect crystal structure of an Amethyst is a magic window into the early moments of the creation of the Earth. Looking at the deep purple stone, he can see with his mind's eyes the silicon and oxygen forming a perfect lattice under immense heat and pressure, deep within the Earth's crust.

The fashionista admires her bright green emerald in the sunlight, appreciating the harmonious effect the gem creates with her outfit and accessories. The healer lightly touches the honey colored amber pendant on her heart feeling spiritually and physically connected to Mother Earth and to the healing powers of the Universe. The rugged prospector in the Australian Outback finds a piece of opal in a river bank, his heart pumping with joy, the future of his family looking bright and secure.

The young woman stares at her beautiful new diamond ring, giddy with excitement thinking of her beloved, and the happy life they will have together. So different, yet equally strong are these reactions. There is just something about gemstones that make us feel and experience extraordinary emotions.

Whatever we see in precious stones, it always reflects our own value system. We tend to use the gems to connect to the things and ideals we hold dear. All over the world, in every culture gems have a very strong significance. Even in modern societies the sheer beauty and the often prohibitive price of gemstones keep us enthralled and eager to buy more if we can only afford it.

In Vedic Astrology, there is a fascinating and (to the Western mind at least) surprisingly useful system of associating gemstones with planetary energies. Depending on the Birth Chart of the person, the astrologer will recommend the gem of the planets that are the most favorably placed, giving potentially the most benefit to the wearer.

Blue sapphire channels the energy of Saturn, ruby connects to the life-giving rays of the Sun, pearls enhance the intuition and healing ability of the Moon, green emerald, the stone of Mercury helps in business and communication. Mighty Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and good luck favors those who wear his beautiful gem, the yellow sapphire. The brilliance and durability of diamonds mirror the qualities of Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Mars's stone, the red coral, gives the strong, focused energy of the Warrior Planet, and the two lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu transmit their Karmic message and influence through the beautiful gems hessonite garnet and chrysoberyl cat's eye.

Regardless of our own cultural background, it is worth learning about the different meanings and legends associated with the gems we wear. This knowledge will be a bridge for our subconscious mind. This way, every time we look down on our hand to admire our lovely ring or bracelet, we will feel the connection to our fellow human beings through time and space, bringing us a step closer to the true realization of the Oneness of the Universe.


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