New Moon (Amavasya)
New Moon is the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. The Sun travels about 1 degree in 24 hours and the much faster Moon travels (on average) 13.3 degrees in 24 hours. Even though the Moon goes a full circle around the Zodiac in 27 days, this is not quite good enough to catch up with the Sun, as the Sun has been also moving 27 degrees, so now the Moon has these 3 days worth of catching up to do, spacing the Lunar Events we call New Moon 30 days apart on average.
Lunar Cycle
At the precise moment of the New Moon we have no access to Lunar energies, as the Sun is not only bigger, but, being a Malefic planet it is way more powerful, and in exact conjunction Solar power definitely rules. The magic of this moment, the New Moon is the direct result of this weakness (0 power) of the Moon. As the Moon directly influences the mind (not the intelligence!), New Moons give us the opportunity for a powerful “reset”. Goal setting is most effective when all power is absent and we simply use this trajectory “going from 0”.
The period between the New Moon and the Full Moon has an incredible power to pull, the growing power of the waning Moon is the perfect vehicle for our goals and desires. Of course the most effective moment for deciding on this particular goal or desire is the Exact moment of the New Moon. (The exact conjunction of the Sun and the Moon.)
So, how to decide on which goal to set? The most important thing is to understand which House (Bhava) is the Sign where the New Moon occurs for each person. The Birth Chart indicates the House placements, calculated from the Ascendant. Depending on the Ascendant a Zodiac Sign is occupying different Houses thus influencing different areas of life.
For example, for Leo Ascendant people the New Moon in Virgo will bring opportunities for financial matters, but for Aries people the same New Moon in Virgo presents the opportunities for fixing, repairing and conflict resolution.
It is utterly useless to set goals that are not supported by the House placement of the New Moon. If the New Moon occurs in the 4th House of Home and Emotional Well Being, any goal setting regarding romance or career will be completely useless. But 4th House New Moon is extremely powerful for goal setting regarding property and car purchase, home improvement, and anything related to agriculture, so instead of shooting in the dark, if goal setting is based on proper understanding, and goals are in alignment with actual (and available) planetary energies, incredible “manifestation” is possible.
For example, for Sagittarius people New Moon in the 4th House will be when the Sun and Moon are conjunct in Aquarius, for Pisces 4th House New Moon will be when Sun and Moon are conjunct in Gemini, etc.
The other important thing is the flavor of the New Moon. The function of the New Moon is dependent on each person’s Birth Chart, but the flavor is based on the Sign and Nakshatra placement of the Lunar event itself. In Vedic Astrology not only the Sign, but the Nakshatra within the Sign is important. New Moon in Capricorn has a different inherent power and flavor than New Moon in Cancer, and this particular flavor (the nature of the Sign placement) is very important.
Within each (30 degrees) Sign of the Zodiac, there are 2 and half Nakshatras, each giving a distinct pattern.
For example if the New Moon occurs in Leo, in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra, there is a lot of joyful and even frivolous energy, supporting creativity and “fun”, but if the New Moon occurs just a few degrees earlier in Leo, in Magha Nakshatra, there is a very strong emphasis on help and support from ancestors.
We have discussed the House placement, the sign and Nakshatra placement of the New Moon, so we already know in what area of life (the House placement) can the opportunities manifest, and the nature of the available energies (the Sign and Nakshatra placement) we have access to, for a particular goal setting.
More the goal setting is anchored in reality and actual energies, stronger the effects of the goal setting and faster the manifestation will be.