
Graha means “heavenly body” and joy is simply joy. We believe in the inherent perfection and oneness of the Universe, all our work is based on the understanding that perfection is not only possible, but that it is the natural state of Divine Creation. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes, so it stands to reason that every person’s Astrological Chart contains the information necessary to attain the state of success, happiness and bliss.

Astrology, Who Believes In It Anyway?

Astrology, Who Believes In It Anyway?

Sometimes it seems like the world is made up of two kinds of people. One half who uses Astrology and the other half who thinks that only backwards idiots believe in such an "unscientific" thing. Needless to say, this attitude often makes the people who believe in Astrology rather defensive and often secretive. Let's take a good look at the people who believe in, and use the services of Astrologers.

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7 Reasons Astrology Doesn't Help People Even Though It Could and Should

7 Reasons Astrology Doesn't Help People Even Though It Could and Should

People tend to have a preconceived notion about the "image" a legitimate astrologer should have, and they automatically reject opinions coming from sources that don't correspond to this image. The truth is that astrology has been practiced even in the past by vastly different people. Brahmin sages, Untouchable barbers, Christian monks, Gipsy women, European aristocrats, Protestant clergymen, and the list just goes on and on.

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