The Correct Navaratna

The Navaratna (a Sanskrit word meaning 9 jewels) is an energetic equivalent of the Navagraha Formation. Navagraha means 9 planets, and this “universal energy map” is all pervasive in Asia in many different shapes and forms. Hindu temples everywhere have an area where the shrine of the Navagraha is circulambulated by devotees for receiving the blessings of “all planetary influences”. As it is considered an energetic map of the universe, it forms the basis of architecture, especially sacred architecture, like temples, palaces etc. 

Navagraha, the spatial and geometrical representation of the Universe in (current) Vedic Culture

Navagraha, the spatial and geometrical representation of the Universe in (current) Vedic Culture

Everywhere in Asia where there was significant cultural influence from the Indian subcontinent we can see the very strong stamp of this idea, and sacred architecture, jewelry design and all local versions of “Fengshui” are based on the formation of the Navagraha.

Fengshui is the “particularly Chinese” version of the art and science of living in perfect harmony with the universe and the environment, but under different names all cultures in Asia have their own traditions of architecture and interior design based on their own understanding and theories of balance and harmony.

The Navagraha (and by direct extension of the Navaratna) in its current form has been continuously used since about 500 BC. The exact dates are not known, but archaeological evidence suggests that the Navagraha as we know it today has been the main basis for understanding the universe since about 500 BC. Of course, the idea of a universal map that is simple, straightforward and practical is much, much older than that.

But as with everything sacred and everything traditional, we cannot simply accept the Navagraha’s validity without subjecting it to the test of logic. (It is very silly to believe that Divinity works in an illogical manner, and while we do not understand all the workings of the Divine, we have an obligation to “test and try” traditions through our own logic.) One common way to “test and try” is of course, through numbers, as it is generally accepted that numbers don’t lie.

When we look at the current Navagraha formation, we notice that unlike the individual planetary yantras for each planet, the “master yantra” (the Navagraha that combines the 9 planetary forces in one single formation/yantra) is actually incorrect. 

All planetary yantras in Vedic culture are based on the planetary number of the given planet and on this number a “magic square” is constructed. Magic Squares are used all over the world, they are a mathematical arrangement of “dynamic symmetry”. In a Magic Square (and in every single individual planetary yantra) the numbers of each row and each column add up to the same number.

These are the individual Planetary Yantras of the 9 Planets. Each of them are based on the planetary number of the planet they represent (Sun: 1, Moon: 2, Mars: 3, Mercury: 4, Jupiter: 5, Venus: 6, Saturn: 7, Rahu: 8, Ketu: 9) Each of these Yantras are perfect magic squares.

Top left Venus Yantra (each row and each column adds up to 30). Top middle Sun Yantra (each row and each column adds up to 15). Top right Rahu Yantra (each row and each column adds up to 36) 2nd row left Saturn Yantra (each row and each column adds up to 33) 2nd row middle Jupiter Yantra (each row and each column adds up to 27) 2nd row left Mars Yantra (each row and each column adds up to 21) Bottom row left Moon Yantra (each row and each column adds up to 18) Bottom row middle Ketu Yantra (each row and each column adds up to 39) Bottom row right Mercury Yantra (each row and each column adds up to 24)

The current Navagraha below on the other hand is NOT a Magic Square, and its energies do NOT channel harmony and do NOT support full potential and bliss. I have reconstructed the Navagraha in a way that it is mathematically correct. (Mathematical correctness is not up for debate and it is NOT the matter of personal likes and dislikes!)

Horizontal from left to right top to bottom: 4+6+2=12, 5+1+3=9, 9+7+8=24. (12, 9, 24) Vertical top to bottom left to right: 4+5+9=18, 6+1+7=14, 2+3+8=13 (18, 14, 13)

Horizontal from left to right top to bottom: 4+6+2=12, 5+1+3=9, 9+7+8=24. (12, 9, 24) Vertical top to bottom left to right: 4+5+9=18, 6+1+7=14, 2+3+8=13 (18, 14, 13)

When the planetary gemstones of the 9 planets are placed in the correct order, like the one below, the result is radiant energy and seamless belonging. As the Universe is perfect, when we find a way to connect without resistance to its powerful and supporting energies, the effect on us is profound and exhilarating.

This Navaratna is mathematically correct. Each row and each column add up to 15.

This Navaratna is mathematically correct. Each row and each column adds up to 15.

Once the Correct Navaratna was made (as opposed to just existing in my notebooks with numbers, sitting snuggly among coffee stains, reminders of appointments and shopping lists) the proof was in my hands. The most interesting thing is that once I had physical access to this “harmony generator” (the correct Navaratna) I have found that this energy actually exists in many world traditions, but it is hidden under the surface of numerical, emotional, intellectual and physical chaos.

For example the Earlier Heaven Bagua that was used in China before the Han Dynasty is the perfect match of the Correct Navaratna. Talismans in the Middle East are still today using the exact numerical equivalent of the Correct Navaratna, etc, etc.

This contemporary Talisman ring from Egypt has the mathematically correct Navaratna Magic Square written on it with the Arabic Numerals

This contemporary Talisman ring from Egypt has the mathematically correct Navaratna Magic Square on it with the Arabic Numerals

Since then I am using the Earlier Heaven Bagua in my Fengshui practice and of course, in my healing work, this understanding of, and access to the “secret” of ultimate harmony and perfection has been an invaluable help and support. (Both in my Elemental Energy Healing and Reiki Healing practices.)

The Lo Shu turtle

The Lo Shu turtle with the same Magic Square as the Mathematically Correct Navaratna

The so-called Golden Age mentioned with longing and nostalgia in one form or another in every culture is in fact at our fingertips. Perfection IS possible. In fact bliss and harmony are the default settings of the Universe, all we have to do is shake off the incorrect false worldview with the disdain it deserves and wholeheartedly embrace harmony.


Zodiac Systems (Vedic versus Western)


Sun (Surya)