Elemental Energy Healing

Elemental Energy Healing is a simple traditional method of recreating the balance in the human body. The 4 Elemental Energy (Fire Earth Air, Water) are by nature linked to different organs in the body. Physical problems are viewed through this energetic connection to the elements, and each type of problem is addressed with the lacking energy. 

Conditions can be caused by simple “not enough”. For example low energy, lazy metabolism, digestive problems and lack of will power are usually the result of not enough Fire in the Solar Plexus. These types of conditions are the easiest and fastest to remedy. By increasing the Fire energy with the hands on healing, by modifying the diet to increase dry hot dietary Fire and by modifying the life style to add more Fire producing activities.

Fire Energy in Elemental Energy Healing

Fire Energy in Elemental Energy Healing

Some conditions are caused by “too much”. For example after a flu or cold the remaining mucus and wetness in the lugs and chest are the sign of too much water. In the case of “too much” there is a need to use the energy that controls the troublesome, overabundant energy. When the mucus is mainly in the chest, Fire energy can successfully eliminate it, but in the lungs Air energy is needed because of the Air nature of the lungs. This is a bit less straight forward than the “not enough” conditions, but “too much” conditions are usually short lived, so the changes in diet and lifestyle are also only necessary for a short period of time and more often than not one Healing Session can solve the problem.

Earth Energy in Elemental Energy Healing

Earth Energy in Elemental Energy Healing

Usually blockages are caused by a combination of “not enough” and “too much” conditions that are present in the body, the healing is also a combination of strengthening and controlling the energies. 

The physical, the emotional, the spiritual and the intellectual “bodies” are not separate, these modes of “being” are just the different facets of the same body. Issues with any of these will cause problems with everything else, but they are completely interrelated.

That ALL physical problems are manifestation of emotional issues is not only completely false, it is also a very dangerous approach to health and wellness. 

Air Energy in Elemental Energy Healing

Air Energy in Elemental Energy Healing

While it is true that suppressed anger can (and usually does) cause back pain, but we cannot forget that back pain (perhaps from a sport accident, or a fall) will also create anger and frustration. In the first case anger (emotional problem) is the primary and the back pain is the secondary condition. Anger and anger management need to be dealt with, and very often the secondary condition simply disappears without any treatment directly addressing it. 

Water Energy in Elemental Energy Healing

Water Energy in Elemental Energy Healing

But in the second case trying to deal with anger and frustration alone will have a very temporary and short lived effect, since the anger experienced by the patient is the direct result of a back injury, so until the bones, muscles and joints are healed, the secondary conditions will always come back.

Water energies are excellent in dealing with emotional blockages, but for bones we need to use the energies of Earth and Fire.

The default setting of life is health, happiness and perfection. Healing is the simple and straight forward restoration of energetic balance.


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