Planetary Conjunctions

Planetary conjunction is when more than 1 planet occupies a House. The maximum number of planets in one single House is 8, as Rahu and Ketu are always 180 degrees apart, so even if all other planets are in conjunction, either Rahu, or Ketu is going to be 7 Houses away. When planets are in conjunction, their effects are greatly modified. Understanding conjunctions is complex, but by no means complicated matter, we simply need to go through the traditional steps of evaluation.

First, the nature of the planets that are conjunct. Planets are in planetary Friendship with certain planets, but not with others. For example Saturn and Venus are in great Planetary Friendship, their cool energies work very well together. (That is why these 2 planets feel very comfortable in each other’s Signs.) When they are conjunct, they create a lot of positive energy, but without losing the essential delaying, discipline and routine loving energy of Saturn, or the creative, wealth and pleasure loving energies of Venus. So the result can be excellent on the long run, as after some delay and restrictions Saturn will actually provide the stability and the grandeur for the creativity of Venus.

Second, the lowest degree planet. In every conjunction the planet with the lowest degree will have the biggest say in the energy combination.

For example Mars and Saturn conjunction always brings great engineering ability, but if Mars is at the lower degree this talent will come with frustration, obstacles and very strongly fluctuating will power, while if Saturn has the lower degree, this same excellent engineering and mechanical talent can express itself with inherent and easy discipline in a steady manner.

Third, the closeness of the planets in the conjunction. If Mars and Sun are very close, this will cause anger, rage and cardiovascular problems. But if they are a comfortable 15 degrees apart, this conjunction gives excellent will power and healthy ambition.

Fourth, the rulership of the planets in the conjunction. When a single planet occupies a House, we always analyze its significance by the Houses it rules.

For example for Scorpio people Venus rules the 7th and the 12th Houses, so wherever Venus is placed in the Birth Chart, it will always directly influence these 2 Houses.

In a conjunction we also have to see what areas of life are ruled by these “combined energies” of the conjunction. For example the very common Sun Mercury conjunction will always directly influence the 3 Houses Sun and Mercury rules.

For example, for Capricorn people regardless of the placement of the Sun Mercury conjunction, it will always influence the 6th, 8th and 9th Houses, because that is where the Signs of Gemini, Leo and Virgo fall in a Capricorn’s Birth Chart.

Fifth, the actual placement of the conjunction. The rules of Malefic and Benefic planets giving good results in Malefic and Benefic Houses respectively apply for the conjunctions as well. But it can get tricky, as sometimes a Malefic (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) can be conjunct with a Benefic (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter Venus) needing a very careful and meticulous analysis of the above 4 criteria in order to see how this conjunction will affect the person.

For example, Sun Venus conjunction in the 6th House needs to be very carefully looked at, as while Sun does very well in Dushtana (6th 8th 12th) Houses, Venus to the contrary does very poorly here.

Sixth, the Sign placement of the conjunction. Even though the energies of the planets in conjunction are combined and modified, the planets don’t lose their essential comfort or discomfort in a given sign.

For example a Rahu Venus conjunction in Virgo can give excellent results in terms of wealth and power, but the Debilitated energies of Venus will still give the fussy, nitpicking and annoying nature. Rahu is well placed in Virgo, but Venus is Debilitated. So debilitated or “uncomfortable” planets don’t really become comfortable just because they are in a conjunction.


Planetary Horas


Planetary Aspects (Dristi)