Planetary Horas
The Hora system today only survives in Vedic Astrology, but before the disastrous "Age of Enlightenment" beginning in the 17th century "Planetary Hours" were used in Western Astrology as well.
During the Renaissance, Planetary Hours (Horas) were used as the basis for selecting Auspicious times.
The roots of the Horas are to be found in the "Chaldean Order", an order of the planets that the Babylonians adopted from the Chaldeans, a Fertile Crescent culture that was considered "ancient" and venerable by the time of the Babylonian Empire. We have very little direct evidence of the Chaldeans, but their legendary fame as astrologers and scientists survives until today.
The location of Chaldea in the Fertile Crescent
How does this system work?
The time between sunrise and sunset is divided into 12 equal length periods, these are the Day Horas. The time between sunset and sunrise are also divided into 12 equal periods, these are the Night Horas. Higher the latitude, bigger the difference between the length of Night and Day Horas, and also between the Horas throughout the calendar year.
Medieval Arab Hora Calculator
The Planetary Rulership of the Days of the Week
Each day starts at sunrise with the Hora of the given day .
Sunday's first Day Hora will be the Hora of the Sun, Monday's the Hora of the Moon, etc.
There is a general description of the Horas, basically in line with the general nature of the planetary energies, however the Hora system should never be used in this manner. Even though the general description of the Hora of the Moon for example makes it very suitable for relaxation and meditation theoretically, but it doesn't help in practical life at all. The Hora of the Moon will be auspicious for the activities related to the house/bhava that the Moon rules in an individual's Birth Chart.
For example Cancer Ascendant/Lagna should be doing vigorous exercise during Moon Horas, as the Moon rules their 1st house. A Scorpio Lagna person on the other hand should be studying during the Hora of the Moon, as the Moon rules the 9th House of Higher Learning and Philosophy.
The Horas of the planets ruling "money houses/bhavas" (2nd, 5th, 11th) are the best for financial transactions, the Hora of the planet ruling the 10th House of Career and Public Recognition is the best for sending out a resume, or going to a job interview, the Hora of the planet ruling the 12th house of the Subconscious is the best for meditation, rest, a short nap, and so on and so forth.
Best is to check whether a planet is well placed or not while evaluating the usefulness of the Hora of the given planet.
For example anyone who has Debilitated Moon in Scorpio, regardless of the House/Bhava placement should not use the Moon Horas for meditation.
Once properly evaluated for each individual, the Hora system gives us an invaluable tool to make our life better, smoother, more productive and ultimately more fulfilling.