
Graha means “heavenly body” and joy is simply joy. We believe in the inherent perfection and oneness of the Universe, all our work is based on the understanding that perfection is not only possible, but that it is the natural state of Divine Creation. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes, so it stands to reason that every person’s Astrological Chart contains the information necessary to attain the state of success, happiness and bliss.

Sex and the Planets
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Sex and the Planets

Sex is the subject everyone finds interesting. Everyone. Always. Everywhere. Regardless of our cultural background, our profession, our age, sex remains a subject interesting and fascinating for all of us. As they say in advertising and marketing, sex sells. It sells, because sex is one of the most vital and enjoyable parts of the human experience, ideally connecting the realms of the physical, the mental, the emotional and the Divine in one single act.

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Saturn (Shani)
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Saturn (Shani)

With planetary number 7 Saturn is known as the Greatest Malefic and the Kingmaker at the same time. These two contradictory statements show the incredible raw power of Saturn and also the incredible fear and admiration this power evokes. On the one hand Saturn restricts and puts obstacles in a person’s path, but on the other hand when well placed Saturn gives the most spectacular wealth and success

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Sade Sati the 7 and half transformative years
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Sade Sati the 7 and half transformative years

The much dreaded 7 and half years of Sade Sati is the time when Saturn transits the sign (Rasi) before the natal Moon (the Moon in a person's Birth Chart), the sign of the natal Moon and the sign after the natal Moon. As Saturn, the slowest moving planet, takes 2 and half years to transit a zodiac sign, the transit of these 3 consecutive signs takes 7 and half years.

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The Rulership of the Nakshatras
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The Rulership of the Nakshatras

The exact nature of each Nakshatra is better understood by observing the combinations of Elemental Energies and Modalities they represent. For example, even though all 3 Nakshatras of the Moon are in the mid section of Earth Signs, so the strong Earth energies are shared, but Rohini is Fixed, Hasta is Mutable and Shravana is in a Cardinal Sign, so 3 people with these 3 (ruled by the Moon) Nakshatra placements of the Moon will be very markedly different in nature, even though each will have strong practicality and structure.

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Rahu (Caput Draconis)
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Rahu (Caput Draconis)

With planetary number 8 Rahu is also known as the North node of the Moon. Illusions, delusions, greed and violence are the true nature of Rahu. When well placed in the Birth Chart, it can give immense wealth and good fortune. Rahu is the Head of the Dragon

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Rahu Kalam the Unlucky segment of the day
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Rahu Kalam the Unlucky segment of the day

Rahu Kalam is an inauspicious segment of every day when no beginnings should take place. Unlike the Horas, which are calculated by dividing the time between sunrise and sunset by 12 for Day Horas, and dividing the time between sunset and sunrise by 12 for Night Horas, the length of Rahu Kalam is always longer than a Hora.

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Planetary Horas
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Planetary Horas

The roots of the Horas are to be found in the "Chaldean Order", an order of the planets that the Babylonians adopted from the Chaldeans, a  Fertile Crescent culture that was considered "ancient" and venerable by the time of the Babylonian Empire. We have very little direct evidence of the Chaldeans, but their legendary fame as astrologers and scientists survives until today.

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Planetary Conjunctions
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Planetary Conjunctions

Planetary conjunction is when more than 1 planet occupies a House. The maximum number of planets in one single House is 8, as Rahu and Ketu are always 180 degrees apart, so even if all other planets are in conjunction, either Rahu, or Ketu is going to be 7 Houses away. When planets are in conjunction, their effects are greatly modified.

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Planetary Aspects (Dristi)
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Planetary Aspects (Dristi)

Aspects are certain areas of the Zodiac that a given planet influences. These aspects can be supportive or destructive. After we evaluate the placement of a given planet (House placement, Sign placement, rulership) we have a good idea of its nature in a person’s Birth Chart. As this planet “aspects” another area of life (the House it aspects) we can have very useful insight on the energies relating to the aspected House.

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New Moon (Amavasya)
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New Moon (Amavasya)

New Moon is the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. The Sun travels about 1 degree in 24 hours and the much faster Moon travels (on average) 13.3 degrees in 24 hours. Even though the Moon goes a full circle around the Zodiac in 27 days, this is not quite good enough to catch up with the Sun, as the Sun has been also moving 27 degrees, so now the Moon has these 3 days worth of catching up to do, spacing the Lunar Events we call New Moon 30 days apart on average.

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Nakshatras the Original Skymap
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Nakshatras the Original Skymap

The genius of Vedic Astrology is that the Zodiac system (which most likely emerged somewhere in the Fertile Crescent before the heyday of the Babylonian Empire) was superimposed on the much older Nakshatra system. In the Vedic Astrological worldview we have the precision of the pattern of 1 in 27 as opposed to the pattern of 1 in 12.

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Moon (Chandra)
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Moon (Chandra)

The energies of the Moon are very powerful yet extremely fragile at the same time. Most emotional issues that stop people from realizing their potential are directly related to the placement of the Moon. Especially when the Moon is conjunct (placed in the same House) with Malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) it shows struggle, difficulties and emotional disorders, even when the rest of the Chart is reasonably good. The Moon controls the mind, but it has nothing to do with the actual intelligence of a person.

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Mercury (Budh)
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Mercury (Budh)

With planetary number 4, speedy Mercury gives us our analytical intelligence and logic. Mercury is fast moving and a rather uncaring planet that represents our interest in different things and subjects. From the condition of Mercury we see a person’s measurable intelligence, common sense and quickness (or slowness) of the mind. Mercury is the planet orbiting closest to the Sun, so it can never be farther than 1 House from the Sun in any Chart.

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Mars (Mangala)
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Mars (Mangala)

Planetary number 3, fiery Mars gives us explosive energy and passion. It is a very straightforward planet, but in spite of its reputation as the planet of “manliness”, Mars has actually nothing to do with romantic relationships in a woman’s chart. (It is the placement of Jupiter that gives insight about the potential spouse and romantic interests.) It is important to understand that Mars is essentially a “soldier”, not a leader. From the condition of Mars we see where and how energy will be spent.

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Kendra Houses the Structure
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Kendra Houses the Structure

The Kendra Houses (1st, 4th, 7th 10th) give the structure to the person, as if these were the 4 legs of a table. From the Birth Chart we can see what energies are important and stable in someone’s life. Other than the utmost importance of the rulership of the Kendra Houses we need to look at the planets placed in Kendra. These planets get extra strength and stability regardless of their condition otherwise.

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