
Graha means “heavenly body” and joy is simply joy. We believe in the inherent perfection and oneness of the Universe, all our work is based on the understanding that perfection is not only possible, but that it is the natural state of Divine Creation. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes, so it stands to reason that every person’s Astrological Chart contains the information necessary to attain the state of success, happiness and bliss.

Kaal Sarp Period The Serpent Curse
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Kaal Sarp Period The Serpent Curse

Even though the majority of people do not have Kaal Sarp curse in their Birth Chart, we all experience these Kaal Sarp periods every now and then in our lives. When the slow moving planets Saturn and Jupiter are on the same side of the Rahu Ketu Axis, there is a good chance for Kaal Sarp to form.

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Jupiter (Guru)
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Jupiter (Guru)

With planetary number 5 lucky Jupiter is considered the Greatest Benefic in all astrological traditions. The energies of Jupiter are expanding and very space filling. Wherever Jupiter is placed in a person’s Birth Chart, we see expansion, augmentation and “more”. Wisdom and knowledge (most often the innate, non learned type) can be seen from Jupiter’s placement. Religiosity and comfort and ease with rituals and religious observances (or the lack thereof) are also indicated by Jupiter.

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Health and Astrology
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Health and Astrology

Fortunately the world seems to be slowly awakening after a long slumber to the necessity of a more holistic way of life, a more integrated way of looking at health. Is health an almost unattainable goal, or a natural state of affairs? I believe those healers and doctors who tell us that health is, or should be, our given, natural condition. Instead of always looking for culprits to blame for our illnesses and diseases, maybe we can take the first step toward perfect health and well-being by redefining what health really is.

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Fixed Signs Of The Zodiac - Why Are They Important for Success and Happiness?
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Fixed Signs Of The Zodiac - Why Are They Important for Success and Happiness?

Both in Vedic and Western Astrology the astrological signs are classified as Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable. Of each element, fire, earth, air and water, one sign will be cardinal, one fixed and one mutable. Regardless of the element and the particular character of these astrological signs, there is something essentially either cardinal, or fixed or mutable about them.

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The Fire Signs of the Zodiac
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The Fire Signs of the Zodiac

The Fire Signs of the Zodiac represent Fire energies that are hot, individualistic, passionate and rather aggressive. The element of Fire is relatively easy to understand, its direction is upward going and straight. It is a Masculine energy, meaning that the energy is “outward bound” instead of receptive and inward bound as in the case of Feminine energies. The 3 Fire Signs of the Zodiac give us this warming and direct Fire Energy in 3 different modalities.

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The Earth Signs of the Zodiac
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The Earth Signs of the Zodiac

The Earth Signs of the Zodiac represent Earth energies that are grounding, nourishing, practical and very security conscious. The element of Earth can be best understood by gravity itself. Earth is a Feminine Energy, meaning that it is receptive and inward flowing unlike masculine energies that are “being spent” and outward directed. It is a straight forward, downwards directed energy, incredibly calming and low vibrational.

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Malefic Dushtana Houses
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Malefic Dushtana Houses

Dushtana Houses are the 6th, 8th and 12th Houses in everyone’s Birth Chart. These are strongly malefic in nature, as these Houses show us the areas where obstacles, enemies of all kinds, instability, danger and losses lie. Benefic planets (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter Venus) do very poorly in Dushtana Houses. Their “receptive”, abundance giving and pleasure seeking soft nature is ill equipped to provide us with the grit, the fighting ability and the raw brute strength and resilience we need to fight off enemies, overcome obstacles and survive instability.

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Cardinal Signs of the Zodiac
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Cardinal Signs of the Zodiac

The word 'cardinal' comes from the Latin 'cardo', meaning hinge. When we use the word 'cardinal' in any context, we always refer to something fundamental, essential, without which things would not be possible. The root meaning of this word is actually pretty misleading when it comes to understanding the nature of Zodiac Signs we call "Cardinal". These Signs, and their respective energies are not more important or more fundamental, as far as the functioning of the Universe is concerned, than Mutable or Fixed signs.

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Astrology, Who Believes In It Anyway?

Astrology, Who Believes In It Anyway?

Sometimes it seems like the world is made up of two kinds of people. One half who uses Astrology and the other half who thinks that only backwards idiots believe in such an "unscientific" thing. Needless to say, this attitude often makes the people who believe in Astrology rather defensive and often secretive. Let's take a good look at the people who believe in, and use the services of Astrologers.

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The Air Signs of the Zodiac
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The Air Signs of the Zodiac

The Air Signs of the Zodiac represent Air energies that are fast moving, unstable, fickle and very intellectual and communicative. The element of Air is the fastest moving element, its direction is lateral and the best way to understand it is by using the wind as an example. It is a Masculine energy, meaning that the energy is being spent as opposed to inward flowing and receptive as in the case of Feminine energies.

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7 Reasons Astrology Doesn't Help People Even Though It Could and Should

7 Reasons Astrology Doesn't Help People Even Though It Could and Should

People tend to have a preconceived notion about the "image" a legitimate astrologer should have, and they automatically reject opinions coming from sources that don't correspond to this image. The truth is that astrology has been practiced even in the past by vastly different people. Brahmin sages, Untouchable barbers, Christian monks, Gipsy women, European aristocrats, Protestant clergymen, and the list just goes on and on.

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