
Graha means “heavenly body” and joy is simply joy. We believe in the inherent perfection and oneness of the Universe, all our work is based on the understanding that perfection is not only possible, but that it is the natural state of Divine Creation. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes, so it stands to reason that every person’s Astrological Chart contains the information necessary to attain the state of success, happiness and bliss.

Malefic Dushtana Houses
Astrology Zour Astrology Zour

Malefic Dushtana Houses

Dushtana Houses are the 6th, 8th and 12th Houses in everyone’s Birth Chart. These are strongly malefic in nature, as these Houses show us the areas where obstacles, enemies of all kinds, instability, danger and losses lie. Benefic planets (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter Venus) do very poorly in Dushtana Houses. Their “receptive”, abundance giving and pleasure seeking soft nature is ill equipped to provide us with the grit, the fighting ability and the raw brute strength and resilience we need to fight off enemies, overcome obstacles and survive instability.

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